News and Events

  • BioMedSA BioFest Invest April 17 2024

    Phage Refinery Chosen for Pitch Competition

    Phage Refinery has been chosen to compete in the BioFest Invest 2024 Pitch Competition on April 17, 2024. Founding CEO Bill Tolhurst will be presenting a brief overview of the company and where we’re headed to local and regional investors specifically focused on healthcare opportunities. If you’re there, be sure to look him up!

  • Image of phage on bacteria

    Phage Refinery Announces PureFage™ Service

    Phage Refinery is very excited to announce its PureFage™ Service, PureFage enables researchers and therapy development organizations to quickly and easily isolate and characterize phage for their target bacteria. Leveraging the technology and know-how from decades of world-class phage research, isolation can be performed on demand in days without the distraction and capital expense required…

  • ARPA-H Customer Experience Hub Logo

    Phage Refinery Joins ARPA-H Customer Experience Hub

    Phage Refinery has been selected to join the ARPA-H Customer Experience Hub (CX Hub). The CX Hub is part of ARPANET-H, and is a nationwide health innovation network of more than 300 of the leading healthcare entities spanning government and educational research, for-profit product and services firms, and clinical practitioners. The Advanced Research Projects Agency…

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